Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Syracuse Talks" Survey of the blogspot

From all the different events and discussions being held in this virtual community, I focused on Syracuse's attempts and support for the recent hurricane disaster in Haiti. I browsed through the articles that were either talking about forming local support for the disaster or articles which subscribers have made comments.

Using Haiti Relief support as a topic, I had two goals--A) to see how people/ subscribers are reacting to the disaster and if they are willing to help and donate for the cause B.) to see how cohesive the virtual community of Syracuse is as it exists today. I know this is a narrow topic and it is only a slice of the larger community and city of Syracuse, but I thought Haiti Relief support is a good topic that people would be willing to discuss, gossip, collaborate, and raise interest or awareness. The result--the reactions to subscribers that commented on the Haiti Relief related articles were either pessimistic or negative in their tone of talking about American support in Haiti, when U.S. is also dealing with economic downfall, the war, poverty, and problems of our own nation. There were some that spoke up about fulfilling humanitarian duties and reaching out to neighboring nations. Overall there were some good discussions among the subscribers and it was interesting to see the bouncing back-and-forth arguments and name-calling occurring behind a hidden identity of a secret username. Personally, I like how news websites like, CNN, NY Times, etc allows people to comment--bravely speak their minds, while protecting their real identity with a username and subscription. (I'm sure people can trace usernames and find the real person--but that is a different topic)

Please note that I have left some comments out and shortened some comments.

Central New York students raise money to help Haiti relief effort

(5 comments) (1 recommends)

insidereye February 06, 2010, 7:42AM:I understand and fully respect the fact that many people are inclined to want to help out with the devastation this country has suffered, but what I personally don't understand is that we are sending over billions in aid to a country that is extremely corrupt, a country that has no building / sanitation code's whose own government is blocking aid to the individual people on the street that it was meant for, to a country that has committed genocide on its own, for a nation that has not and will not stand up for basic human rights or for its own freedom of suppression from its dictatorship. The US, has its own country to worry about right now, we have our own veterans homeless, children hungry and homeless, elderly living without medication that is needed so they can provide the basic food/shelter needs so they can remain independent. When will our country go back to the day where our own came first and then lent a helping hand out to those who showed promise to first help them selfs, we have become a weak nation of lets give hand outs not hand ups, no mater your race, color, religion, sex, or sexual preference you should be proud to stand in front of the mirror and say "I'm helping my self to better myself" then if you can, and only if you can be willing to help your fellow man. I sincerely hope our current nations youth can turn this around in the future, because we as adults have failed them.

mouthy February 08, 2010, 2:37AM:Wow, can't believe no uninformed irrational nitwit hasn't stepped in with the standard "RACIST"!

janeycat February 06, 2010, 8:27AM:1. The Haitian government gets about 1 cent per dollar of aid sent. 2. The students of Hamilton Central Schools raised almost $2,000 for the relief effort.

tipphill2006 February 06, 2010, 8:52AM: Regardless of what percentage actually gets to those who need it, there is a basic human desire to "help" your fellow man in times of crisis. That is why people give.
Many of your points are spot on, but most people do not have the time, or believe they have the power, to fix all that ails Haiti. So they reach into their pocket and give $5 or $10 and feel better about themselves. I'm not saying this is wrong, I'm just saying we all have enough going on in our day to day lives that we feel this is all we can do. Unfortunately, we have to trust that the world leaders will do a better job of helping the Haitian people re-build and give them the tools to fix their own government. I know the odds are they won't succeed - but really, what else can be done?

bocusebroad February 06, 2010, 10:44AM: How much is it to just BUY Haiti???!

Newhouse Foundation donates $200K to Haiti relief effort.


Pitapita January 15, 2010, 5:53PM: Obviously this group does not listen to Rush who is telling people they should not donate to this relief effort because no one told HIM where the money is going to be spent. Or that the White House is going to keep the personel information to add to their list of people to hit up for donations. I really wish some Republican would just tell him that this is a Natural Emergency and the US has ALWAYS been the first in and the last to leave to help others, and MAYBE just this once he will shut up. But I applaud this President for asking President Clinton and President Bush to join together to head up this drive for donations. ...Democrat or Republican, this is a time we need to put the politics aside and help these people...

crazedmaniac January 15, 2010, 7:59PM:Is Rush Limbaugh that important to you? I know, he's in charge of the republican party. But that still doesn't make him important.

...The conversation continues about Rush Limbaugh. The discussion quickly becomes non-related to the headline of the article.

Crouse Hospital doctor joins medical relief effort in Haiti


I expected for people to leave comments on this topic, even if it was something short and simple. I guess I assumed that since Syracuse has a lot of medical facilities, research labs, and medical workers, there would be more people/subscribers interested in this article.

Westcott launches a Haiti Relief support


areuserious6 January 18, 2010, 10:08PM: Why not ship that help a little bit within blocks of the restaurant, in all directions, and help here first?

exesq January 19, 2010, 6:23AM: Because then they wouldn't get all that free publicity.

Attorney says US missionaries have been charged with kidnapping.


orngfan February 04, 2010, 3:25PM:
its time we expose these missionaries for what they really are…

ruonboard February 04, 2010, 3:34PM:
They were there to help orphaned kids ya mutt. The Haitian government is acting stupidly, as usual. No surprise. They should be thankful for the billions in aid they have received from the US. Instead they repay us by charging a bunch of bible-thumpers with child trafficking. What a joke. And they wonder why they're scorned by the world.

pogoaddict February 04, 2010, 4:07PM:
Learn the truth and take off you blinders. These people tried to SNEAK the kids out of the country with not an ounce of paperwork at all. They should be thrown in a Haitian Jail and left there, PERIOD.

stealthranger February 04, 2010, 3:37PM:
Steve McMullen was speaking on the news last night. Among some of his comments were the fact thathe was going to muiss the Tea Bagger's National Convention. Go figure he'd be one of them. Maybe Sarah P. can 'poof' them out of haiti w/some mindkless rehtoric.

ruonboard February 04, 2010, 3:39PM:
hey filthranger, the term "tea bagger" is obscene. So that makes you a scumbag lowlife I guess.

ece February 04, 2010, 3:46PM:
Have you folks read any of the information? These folks weren't taking 'orphans'. These folks were NOT a registered adoption agency. Can you imagine if a group of Muslim Missionaries came into New Orleans after Hurricaine Katrina and tried to do this? You'd be shooting them on sight! If they truly cared about adopting and helping, I would think they would have tried to do it correctly, and within legal limits. Because the word "Christian" is added, people jump to think it's okay.

ruonboard February 04, 2010, 4:01PM:
Oh give me a break! Your comparison has no merit at all. None. Face the facts. These Americans were trying to help in the middle of a chaotic situation and the get arrested for breaking some ambiguous rules. Obama better get on this fast and tell the Haitians to hand these innocent American men women and children people over OR ELSE. Get real for God's sake.

pogoaddict February 04, 2010, 4:06PM:
Breaking some ambiguous laws?...Like the idea that they tried to SNEAK the children across the border to the Dominion Republic? Like the idea that they had NO PAPERWORK at all for the Children.Or was this a group that saw an opportunity to get a good deal of money by bringing the kids back to the US and charge a nice hefty sum for people to adopt one of these kids. If anyone tried this in the US they would be arrested for Kidnapping and a whole bunch of other laws. You are blinded by the idea that these people SAY they are missionaries but their actions are not what I would call very Religious at all.

syracurse February 04, 2010, 4:08PM:
nonsense pogo. You're all wet. Can't even give you a "nice try"

cuser1212 February 04, 2010, 4:20PM:
Holy crap there are so many allegations on here from people based on a story with a thousand questions to be asked after reading it. I side with these people and I hate typical Christians haha. Who the hell would think they could take 33 children back to the US on a plane without any identification? I'm pretty sure you're all just jumping to some retarded conclusion. There's no way anyone would be that stupid. I would bet my house on it that they weren't kidknapping children to sell them like you people that watch too many late night NYPD dramas seem to believe.

Pitapita February 04, 2010, 4:51PM:
…If this was not a Religious Organization than the FBI would has swooped down on them and charged them with Federal Charges of Kidnapping and NO ONE would say the FBI was wrong. But somehow because it is a Christian group everything is OK. WRONG.

crazedmaniac February 04, 2010, 6:37PM:
Maybe they should brush up on their bible studies and learn a little bit about that thing called 'humility' rather than sticking their noses where they don't belong.

robgetsreal February 04, 2010, 11:04PM:
... How would you feel is a bunch of Canadians or Mexicans came into New Orleans after Katrina and made off with some "orphans"?

warlord70 February 05, 2010, 10:20AM:
Haiti is the stupidest country that ever existed. millions of people starving. Then an earthquake hits and the haitian government is exposed for what they are, a virtually non existant bunch of corrupt dimwits. millions of people suffering. NOW, in the middle of it....these idiotys focus all their attention on a group of missionaries desperately trying to help some starving orphans. Why? Because they're WHITE!!! that's right...hey, maybe they can try blaming it on george bush.

lightless February 05, 2010, 10:31AM:
The safest thing to do? Yeah, a prison cell in Haiti is safer than coordination of their activities with local authorities!

opinionater1 February 04, 2010, 11:25PM:
… I love the anti Christian BIGOTS that come on here and spread their hate when they have no clue as to how bad things are in Haiti...Where is your humanity? …Could someone tell me of a non-Christian group from this area that was in Haiti already to help the people at the time of the earthquake?

Pitapita February 05, 2010, 11:26AM:
The real bigot is YOU. If you are far too blind to see that these actions go against a Christian God and are solely for the purpose of these people to charge a great deal of money for these Children back in the States. That is right, this is not some Adoption Agency, in fact this group has little or no history at all. I truly believe that they planned on bringing those kids back to the US so they could charge upwards of $25,000 per kid to allow someone to adopt them. OPEN YOUR EYES, you blame people for being Bigots when in fact you ignore the very facts right in front of your face...

pyle221 February 05, 2010, 11:46AM:
For those supporting this group in the name of God........just don't forget that the People's Temple and the Branch Davidians also considered themselves religious groups. I'm not saying these people are or aren't legit but it would be wise for many of you to consider that things aren't always as they seem.Those claiming that the young girl doesn't look malicious should review the reports of the Manson family, those were all good girls too........for a while.My point is simple, don't cry for them, don't condemn them. You simply don't know enough about the situation.

coneydawg February 05, 2010, 12:04PM:
...Evidently the Haitians are fine with slapping the face of white Americans who went there to help their sorry country. The USA is broke, for that reason alone we need to stop all American tax dollars going to Haiti. If you want to give to a private charity to help Haitians, fine, but cut off all tax dollars and bring home all tax paid employees & military.. NOW!

wcuse517 February 05, 2010, 12:18PM:
I'd rather be poor and starving in Haiti then have to live with those self righteous wack jobs and be subjected to their brain washing... They go in a take advantage of people in a time of crisis under the guise of religion.. Just bc the US provides aid it doesnt give our citizens the right to go in their and kidnap children

beilstwh February 05, 2010, 12:30PM:
They were NOT orphans. Almost all of them have been reunited with their family and every time a tragedy happens the sex traffickers show up calling themselves charity groups to scoop up children and young women to sell off. Put them in jail and let them rot.

Ex-CNYer February 05, 2010, 2:49PM:
Sheesh. Even the Scientologist didn't try to steal babies while down there.

jackrabbit,s February 06, 2010, 9:47AM:
Any of us really know what their intentions were? They broke the law, in a time when Haiti was is a national crisis. They are in serious trouble. You can't just take kids out of a country and expect no consequences if you get caught. I thinks its foolish and wrong to do this regardless of their motives, be they honorable or criminal.

Cazenovia Haiti Committee seeks help


tughillbill January 13, 2010, 12:52PM:
why do we consantly help other areas of the world when comunities right here need help? I just dont understand peoples logic sometimes also this may help damper the drug trade of haiti for a few weeks I can only hope!

slingblade141x January 14, 2010, 8:20AM:
"Cazenovia Haiti Committee"--Christ! Just yet another way mini-cooper driving, trophy house owning, pretentious caz libs attempt to make themselves look like the great saviors of the world

apb1 January 14, 2010, 3:22PM:
Bill & Blade - you two really just boggle the mind. One of you can't understand that we are suppose to help ALL our neighbors - especially now our neighbors in Haiti and the other is so consumed with hatred, pettiness, and dare I say jealousy?? (and the inability to actually read the whole article) that you can't see the GOOD that people are doing REGARDLESS of where they live. How can you not be affected by the total devistation and loss of innocent human life - how can you not want to help???? People were not put on this earth to be judge and jury to others - be careful, becaue someday you too will be judged.

How Central New Yorkers can help quake victims


doggg January 13, 2010, 1:44PM:

allright, before the inevitable spate of comments regarding our difficult economic times, please ask yourself the following questions?
Have you had to drive your wife's Escort instead of your Tahoe, perhaps even one of your kid's cars once or twice a week?
Have you had to cut down on one or two trips to McDonald's a week?
Are you feeling servere and intolerable discomfort because your thermostat has been set on 68 instead of 72?
I suppose if you really are going through such horrendous trials and tribulations, then children buried in piles of ruble needn't be any concern of yours.

January 13, 2010, 2:37PM:

Pretty arogant post right there, I don't care who ya are, thats arrogant to think that people in this country are not in dire straights. Hey!,,,,if you have the time and money go for it, in fact send ALL of your money to Hati, and all of your time too. Don't just spout here about it, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!! Other wise, you're just one more fool on here if you don't.

doggg January 14, 2010, 6:46PM
As I suspected there might be, there is an increasingly irrelevant but vocal minority in this country who cannot set politics aside even in "a catastrophe of Biblical proportions," the look for any excuse to send nothing crowd. I think you'll find this will be remembered by many of us who are middle of the road this coming November, who find ourselves absolutely disgusted at the moment with a party too often labeled heartless and unfeeling. I suspect, if the economy has made even a moderate amount of progress toward recovery by November, the two party system in this country as we've known it will continue to be little more than a memory. You give 'em nothing crowd would have been well better served if you'd just kept your mouths shut in these circumstances.

cuseblood69 January 13, 2010, 2:01PM:
exactly on point doggg, You ALREADY know if there is ACTUALLY COMMENTS on this post, how they are most likely going to end up being. "MY TAX DOLLAR THIS, MY TAX DOLLARS THAT" BLAH BLAH BLAH....

longpond January 13, 2010, 2:14PM:
So many people from all over the world are going to send money to help the Haiti earthquake victims. Please people from Syracuse who want to donate money, donate money to local causes. The city of Syracuse has so many problems. If you don't know who to give your money to, go into a Syracuse inner-city grocery store and buy someone who looks hungry some food. So many people in Syracuse go hungry because they don't have enough money to buy food.

OrangeReb January 13, 2010, 3:50PM:
Long, I can guarantee you that no one in the city of Syracuse is facing the same situation that is being faced in Port au Prince right now. If someone is hungry, there are a multitude of places for them to go to get food and a multitude of Government programs that can help them. Compare that to a 5 year old looking at the rubble of his former home that has just crushed his entire family to death.

Arthur Dayne January 13, 2010, 3:55PM:
New news on the Oba-mao Blames Bush Story-- Oba-mao blames bush says he will spend 45 trillion to clean up ...wait wait hold on new info ..yep Oba-mao now saying he will Spend 150 Trillion to rebuild Hati and get the money by raiseing taxes 500% and Puting redlight cameras in everyones driveways

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