Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Verizon Phonebooth Permission Report

I called the Verizon Office downtown and they told me the phonebooths are NOT owned by Verizon but instead owned by Vendors in Florida. They connected me to the corporate Verizon number for more information.

(30 minutes of computer voice prompters later...)

I spoke to a very nice service rep from corporate and she had no idea how to direct me. She then put me hold and spoke with numerous supervisors. They told her that it was true that Verizon does not own the phone booths, and also more interesting that Verizon stopped operating them years ago. She does not know about the booths downtown that still have phones but she suggested they either do not work or they simply have Verizon's name on them as an advertisement. Then she wished me good luck with the project.

Not sure where to go from here, the rep and her supervisors could not find any record of the name of the vendor. Maybe we can either research major booth vendors and call? Or maybe we can look to the phonebooths to find more clues?

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